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Leg circulation

Improve microcirculation with our supplements for the well-being of your legs. Perfect for combatting the sensation of heaviness and swelling and aiding microcirculation, our supplements contain a pool of naturally derived ingredients such as Blueberry, Pennywort, Butcher's Broom, Sweet Yellow Clover and Pineapple, renowned for their antioxidant and draining properties.

Combat the sensation of heavy, swollen legs, with the supplements by Bottega Verde! Excessively sedentary lifestyles, tight clothing and high temperatures can all cause the accumulation of liquids and cause all sorts of unpleasant sensations in the legs. Our supplements take care of your microcirculation, supporting it with a pool of superb, naturally derived ingredients renowned for their impressive antioxidant and draining properties. Available in practical capsules or tablets, when taken regularly, they help maintain normal microcirculation, draining away liquids and leaving your legs feeling incredibly light!

3 products


La Natura che attiva la tua Natura!

Leg circulation

Improve microcirculation with our supplements for the well-being of your legs. Perfect for combatting the sensation of heaviness and swelling and aiding microcirculation, our supplements contain a pool of naturally derived ingredients such as Blueberry, Pennywort, Butcher's Broom, Sweet Yellow Clover and Pineapple, renowned for their antioxidant and draining properties.

Combat the sensation of heavy, swollen legs, with the supplements by Bottega Verde! Excessively sedentary lifestyles, tight clothing and high temperatures can all cause the accumulation of liquids and cause all sorts of unpleasant sensations in the legs. Our supplements take care of your microcirculation, supporting it with a pool of superb, naturally derived ingredients renowned for their impressive antioxidant and draining properties. Available in practical capsules or tablets, when taken regularly, they help maintain normal microcirculation, draining away liquids and leaving your legs feeling incredibly light!